(Don't worry. I'm not going to count down all my days of my internship. :))
This is what the shop looks like when you walk in. Its really cute and has some fun stuff to buy.
So today I went in and started working on some Teleflora orders we received. I did these two arrangements. This Be Happy mug one was fun to do. It looked almost identical to this picture. The mug just does make you smile. :)

Then I worked on this arrangement which was a sympathy arrangement for the funeral we were providing flowers for today. It was very interesting to see all of the flowers that went into that funeral from all sorts of people around town. We also decorated some plants to go as well. This is the Teleflora picture...
And this is what I actually did...They wanted a deluxe upgrade so I made it a little bigger. Its not exact but it doesn't really need to be; just close. I did the bow and everything. :)

I also made an arrangement to fill the cooler using the broken rose stems from processing. I hate to see things go to waste. It is a high style arrangement and we will see if anyone buys it because its a little pricey. I don't like the carnations though....I think I'll change them tomorrow.
I helped a lot of customers today and know how to work the computer pretty good now. I answered the phone and took and filled orders. One lady came in and wanted a mylar balloon for her boss who is sick. I grabbed one and blew it up and tried to tie on the string. It was kinda hard to hold on to and tie on string at the same time. While I was trying to tighten the string, it slipped up and floated to the ceiling. The ceilings are about 10-11 feet and it didn't have the string on it at all. I grabbed a broom and tried to swat it down, far enough for me to grab it. It took a few tries; meanwhile, the lady was still waiting for her balloon. It was kinda embarassing but I got it and finished her order.
Bruce taught me his way of tying bows today. He doesn't make the center loop first like I learned how at school. He does the loop last. He works in, not out. I couldn't imagine how it would even work that way so he showed me. This is the first bow I did, his way. It looks much better than any of my other bows.

I cleaned up the shop and watched Bruce do some easel pieces for the funeral and a casket piece. He is really fast and doesn't think too much about the design even though it ends up great. He just cuts the flowers to the perfect length the first time and shoves it in the foam once. That is for sure something I don't have down yet. We had a lot of orders like I said for the funeral. One man came in late almost at closing time and wanted to send an azalea plant. They are beautiful, but our delivery boy had already done his last delivery run so I took them to the funeral home. I got there and I didn't see anyone. Not one living soul (pun intended). I didn't see people coming for the funeral, or anyone who worked at the funeral home. I just decided to set up the plant on one of the tables. I walked into the room where all of our floral pieces were set up. I saw the casket and saw that it was open and then ... I saw ... her. The lady who had died. She was propped up and everything and looking as dead as ever. I didn't know her or it might have been different. I just left the room right away. I started to look more frantically for someone else to set it up for me. But there was no one. I couldn't really breathe but I knew that I had to do it myself. I put the plant up by my face so I didn't have to see her and then I found a place to set the plant. Bro. Romney had talked to us about how florists sometimes are asked to put flowers on the dead person like a corsage or boutonniere. I don't think I can do that. Let alone get closer than I was (which was like 50 feet away!!). I'll have to work on that I guess. After I set it up, I almost ran out of there.
Anyway, it was a good day of work. On my way home, I pass this tree and I just think its so funny. I wanted to share it with you.

Jolyn I didn't know you were a floral design major! Cool deal. All your work looks fabulous!
ReplyDeleteI love blogs. OK anyways this is really cool and I'm going to put a link on my blog is that ok?? Do you have any other blogs I should know about?
The bows look good! Now you'll have to teach me how to make bows the new way! :)
ReplyDeleteThanks for reminding me to look at your new posts. It sounds like you are getting lots of awesome opportunities and are able to have a great attitude about them!